A very belated post indeed! After The Hubby went off on his business trip, he only came back for 4 nights before going off again and he's been off ever since. So with the start of the new school year with Ty in the morning session now and getting back to work, its been crazy hectic! Coupled with the both kids getting sick, Ty with a cough and cold which then triggered Jay's asthma...let's just say blogging let alone scrapping has been the last thing on my mind. Nevertheless, I did manage a couple of LOs but I'll save them for another time.
I've been meaning to show how I spent my xmas day. And i've finally gotten round to uploading the pics. I went to visit my cousin Rozi who is a very very gifted artist. The aim was to discuss a book that I wanted to commission her to do for my sister's bday. Rozi works full time but loves to spend as much time as she can in her studio creating unique works of art in the form of paintings, handmade books and anything that she puts her mind to really. When I got to her studio, she showed me a book that she had only just recently finished and I fell in love with it immediately!! We ended up talking for hours and hours, continued with a visit to another cousin's house after a late lunch and I came home with 2 beautiful books.
Simple but beautifully wrapped with textured paper:
Red & Gold double-sided notebook with charm shells:
Mini Orange notebook with threaded cover:
I think my photos haven't done Rozi's work much justice. But you can check out her site here for better photos of her work which also includes one of a kind Engagement Folders (Permintaan Folders) and Photo Albums which can be custom made to order.
I'm so in love with my new notebooks and have already used both. The red and gold one will be used by both The Hubby and I. A sort of HIS & HER book for our personal thoughts and we're not to read whatever the other has written in his or her side of the book without express and explicit permission. Hee...it will be such a test of discipline for me I think.
The Mini Orange notebook I've used to note down whatever funny things Ty says nowadays. But now, i'm so late with my update that I have acquired another FABULOUS new notebook from Rozi which I'm completely head over heels in love with. My sis has also got her lovely birthday gifts. But I shall now leave that for another post....